jueves, 25 de junio de 2009


"No hay imposibles, sólo es cuestión de decidirse..."

martes, 23 de junio de 2009

acto uno

Se abre el telón sin la presencia de ningún tipo de auditorio. Sin algún espectador para mirar la puesta en escena, para aplaudir al iniciar y finalizar el acto, sin auditorio para sensibilizar su profundo ser.
Efectivamente las butacas están vacías, no existe auditorio. Sin embargo, solo luces y audio encendidos y un gran escenario que espera ansiosamente la actividad de actor alguno.

sábado, 6 de junio de 2009

Otra vez sola...

Nuevamente sola como en otras ocasiones.
No le temo a la oscuridad.
No le temo a la soledad.

Otras vez me siento sola, como en ocasiones anteriores.
- he dicho antes, y lo repito nuevamente, ¡no le temo a la soledad!
y libre mente puedo gritar -¡ no le temo a la oscuridad!
Sin embargo, dentro de mi existe una incertidumbre que en verdad seria, un verdadero temor...
Temo a la libertad que en mi se reprime y que ésta en un momento de soledad como hoy, salga para satisfacer sentimientos reprimidos...
Temo bricar en los sillones,
subir todo el volumen del estereo y ponerme a cantar y en el peor de los casos bailar sobre una mesa.
Temo salir corriendo desnuda como una ave en busca de libertad en vuelo.
Temo tomar completamente la botella de tequila que guardo al costado del burot de mi habitación. Temo embriagarme.
Temo en un momento de embriaguez descolgar ese telefono y llamarlo, ¿para qué? pues, para decirte tantas cosas.
Temo decir más de lo que debería de decir.
Temo sobre todo gritar que he perdido el juicio...

Otra vez sola, sin nadie en esta vieja casa... otra vez sola

viernes, 5 de junio de 2009

sin título

A lo largo de mi vida he convivido con un sin fin de personas con cualidades, virtudes, habilidades entre otros aspectos peculiares y que en definitiva las hacen unicas. No obstante, también he convivido con niños pequeños y borrachos, bien dicen "los niños y los borrachos siempren dicen la verdad", eso aún no lo compruebo, pero puedo decir con seguridad que los niños son muy sencibles cuando entre ellos juegan y se pelean al poco tiempo se reconcilian, sí así es, en mi experiencia he tenido que ser intermediario o referí, sin embargo, al poco tiempo ellos planean un escarmiento en contra tuya. Así son los infantes dulces y en veces desafiantes...

jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

Death Aztec celebrations

Death Aztec celebrations

The day of death on November second to go back to prehispanic epoch don´t you?

Since its appearance on the planet the man has faced a sequence of questions and phenomena that hasn’t been completely understood.

That overcame his understanding. Therefore the human kind has searched explanations that allow him to organize whatever happens on his environment.

Nevertheless he developed various answers which go from witchcraft, religious, to scientific explanations.

Aztecs were the prehispanic town that developed the most cults to gods and death, because they were a war group.
Human sacrifices

If Aztecs hadn´t created myths and religion. They hadn´t had a further proyection of life after death.

They couldn´t have explained themselves the life and its meaning. They had to sacrifice slaves and children to satisfy their gods.

The human blood was vital to feed the sun, so it would rise on the next morning, the fight between the night and the day, that is to say Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl.

Children were slaughtered in sacrifice to avoid droughts, because their tears and those of their spectators warranted rain and good crops.
The paths of the Mexican death

Awards or punishment were not the conception of death among Aztecs.

At the moment of death the soul of the person took different directions according to the way it died.

The soul of people who died in water related circumstances was destined to the paradise god’s rain, called Tlatlocan.

People, who died because war, slaughter and women who died giving birth, were taken to Omeyocan, the sun´s paradise ruled by Huitzilopochtli.

Women were compared to warriors because they faced the fight of procreation.

Ceremonial burial and rituals

In the burial of important Aztec he was to be wrapped with feathers and blankets then next to him were buried two or four slaves to cook for him on the way to the underworld. Slaves were buried alive.

Compared to the common man he was buried with paper, corn and beans. So he could have food on his journey.

At that time, the suicide was thought the highest degree of sacrifice, it didn´t bear a negative moral.
If the prehispanics hadn´t oftered to death people, we wouldn´t have celebrated the famous date of November the second.

Octavio Paz said that always the Mexican people had had a unique passion for celebrations especial they celebrate death.

Life and death have been mysteries that surrounded the human existence.

This has created some myths, religions and science itself.

Could you tell me why Mexicans think the soul will live even dough the heart doesn´t beat? Maybe, consolation on death was fundamental in a society.